captcha html


Creating a simple CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) in HTML can help prevent automated bots from spamming or accessing certain functionalities on a website. Below is an example of how you can implement a basic CAPTCHA using HTML and JavaScript:



Simple CAPTCHA Example

Loading CAPTCHA...


In this example, the CAPTCHA is generated from a predefined array of possible texts. You can customize the `captchaTexts` array with your own set of CAPTCHA texts. Whenever the page is loaded, a random CAPTCHA text is chosen and displayed to the user. The user then needs to enter the same text in the input field, and upon clicking the "Submit" button, the entered text is checked against the displayed CAPTCHA text. If the input matches, a success message is shown; otherwise, an error message is displayed, and the CAPTCHA is refreshed for another attempt.

Note: This implementation is very basic and not intended for high-security use cases. For more secure applications, consider using more advanced CAPTCHA techniques or combining it with other security measures.